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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Word Basic (Microsoft Word)

Word Basics
Microsoft Word is a full-featured word processing program which can be used for any work involving creating and managing text. You can use it from the simplest to the most complex word processing applications. Using Word, you can write letters and reports, prepare bills and invoices, prepare office stationary—letter heads, envelops, forms, etc, design brochures, pamphlets, newsletters, magazines, etc.

In short, you would find it extremely difficult to think of a word processing feature not available in Microsoft Word. For most tasks, Word offers several ways of doing the same thing. It is left to the user to find which one is preferable to him. Since covering all the different methods for doing the same task would require a book running into thousand pages, I have taken the liberty to illustrate the method(s) I considered most user-friendly. As you gain more proficiency in using Word you will yourself discover other methods of doing your tasks.

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